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Leadership Track Reflection

// R E F L E C T I O N \\ as Leadership track has come to an end, what has God been specifically teaching me in the past 8 weeks?!? My oh my, I have a million thoughts I could go on and on about but the mian thing I will expand upon is what all the Lord has been saying over and over: surrender.

Even before the Leadership Track (an 8-12 week intensive training on how to be a leader and how to disciple by growing in intimacy with Jesus and building character and hunger for the Lord) started, I felt God tell me that the season leading up to staffing Fire and Fragrance DTS in October would be a season of freedom and unity. As I arrived in Kona, that word was affirmed in my very first class with the Leadership Track where Shannon Casteel, co-leader of the Track, spoke on the how the only way to walk in full authoirty and freedom as a leader is through surrender! And when a group of leaders walk through surrender together, that vulnerability builds unity! I was so undone by Jesus and the deep work He did in all of us. We had amazing speakers come and teach every week, and without fail, I was totally blown away with their testimonies and words of wisdom. There is a song that Shannon felt from the Lord was over the track by Misty Edwards and the chorus goes "How far will you let me go? How abondoned will you let me be?" That was the heart cry of all of us to Jesus! Nothing is holding me back anymore! We declared to be in constant pursuit of the heart of Jesus with no comprimise! Consecration (to be set apart) is not something that is religious but its a whole hearted cry to be closer to the heart of the Father!!! If anything hinders me in anyway I just want to give it up so I can be closer to Jesus! Media? Sugar? TV? Socializing? Sleep? You can have it, I dont need it! Just give me Jesus!!!! He is the only thing that fully satisfies!!!

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